Why You Don’t Need a LinkedIn Content Calendar for Great Immigration Content


If you’re a regular LinkedIn user, do you keep a LinkedIn content calendar? It’s often a recommendation for social media users but here’s why I think you don’t need a LinkedIn content calendar.

Immigration lawyers and small business owners have asked me if I have a LinkedIn “content calendar” since I post every day. The answer is NO!

I don’t have a LinkedIn content calendar and I don’t plan on having or using one. 

Why do I not have a content calendar? I think that having a content calendar on LinkedIn is missing the big picture when it comes to LinkedIn and the powers of LinkedIn. That’s because, to me, the biggest reason to use LinkedIn is that it is a platform where I am having genuine conversations, not using it for one-directional self-promotion.

Promote yourself in a conversational way instead of using LinkedIn content calendar

I’m not knocking self-promotion either! There’s absolutely a time and a place for self-promotion on LinkedIn. Does looking at LinkedIn as a place for conversations mean that you can’t promote your business, personal brand, or whatever else you’re working on? Of course not.

LinkedIn works just like networking in “real life” offline. This means that having conversations and promoting yourself is great! You should be using LinkedIn to celebrate your wins, share your learnings, provide tips and best practices for your profession and in your area of expertise. All of this helps get your name out there and provides a lot of value for your professional network. 

But at the end of the day, just like in person (remember that?), LinkedIn is a place to discuss, not to lecture people. No one likes being stuck at a party with the person who won’t shut up about themselves and let another person get a word in edgewise and the same rules go for social media. LinkedIn discussions go both ways (or sometimes in many ways if you get a great conversation going in the comments).

So let’s talk about why the LinkedIn comments section is so important to sparking these conversations…

Why commenting is more important than a LinkedIn content calendar for content

Commenting is the single best way to get conversations and dialogue going on LinkedIn. That’s why I respond to every single comment on my posts as well as commenting on my connections’ posts. My goal for these comments is to try to have real, substantive discussions in the comments and DMs.  It takes about the same effort as setting up a LinkedIn content calendar, too. Respond to comments on your posts with questions and comment on other posts. It takes all of 5 minutes and gives you a great opportunity to start making genuine connections with the people in your LinkedIn network. 

Having conversations lets you get to know your network

Why are having conversations on LinkedIn so important? It’s just like networking in person. When I am commenting and talking with people, not only do I get to know my network better, I actually learn from them and share some of my thoughts too. And further down the line, this sometimes turns into business and professional opportunities!

So yeah, while it’s easier to just plan 50 posts ahead and post them daily without thinking, that misses the big picture for LinkedIn. So ditch the LinkedIn content calendar and don’t be shy about promoting yourself or celebrating moments in your personal and professional life! Just make sure that you are practicing two-way conversations and you (and your audience) will be getting a lot more value out of your LinkedIn posts. 

Who agrees with me on this? How do you post your content on LinkedIn? If you’re looking for LinkedIn content ideas, check out my blog post on creating interesting content that is unique to your brand.



Roman is an immigration lawyer, the founder of an immigration tech startup called LaborLess, a LinkedIn coach, writer and speaker.

I help immigration businesses around the world level up their brands, enhance their LinkedIn and YouTube presence and grow through original written content, LinkedIn coaching, YouTube coaching and other strategic consulting.

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