Immigration Professionals: Are You Nervous About Getting Started On Social Media? Read This.


Are you putting off getting started on social media because you’re afraid of posting? You’re not the only one. It’s very common but in this post, I’m going to talk about tips to help you feel less nervous as you start posting and why you should start posting on LinkedIn anyway…

Creating social media content for immigration professionals: How I first got started

When I started working with immigration industry clients on their branding and marketing, I was shocked by so often I saw something like this. I would see this time and time again: I would work with incredibly experienced and brilliant professionals who are so nervous about creating content that they put it off or refuse to try it (even if they know it will help them.) They worry so much about how they will look and how their content will be perceived. If you feel this way, here’s some advice to get you started.

The first thing you need to do is level up your Linkedin profile

 Before you start posting, let’s make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to parr. Don’t worry, this doesn’t take a lot of work or effort on your part! Make sure you have a banner photo, a profile photo, that you  have a headline that explains what you do, and have a strong “About” section. It doesn’t have to be a list of your resume either, you can be creative with your “About” section. People are interested in learning about you and what makes you unique. If your profile showcases your passions, your hobbies, what you do rather than just your job title, people will pay attention and are more likely to remember you. 

Once your profile is ready, just start posting to build up the muscle!

Just start posting! Don’t overthink it. Even if you are overthinking, ignore your thoughts and just post anyway. A good first post doesn’t have to be anything fancy or detailed content. In fact, a great first post is simply one that says, “I’m excited to start sharing more on LinkedIn going forward…” And remember to include at least some spacing between paragraphs to make it easier to read. No one likes reading a block of text no matter how interesting the content is. Once you start posting you will feel so much better about continuing to post.

Consistency is more important than perfection, even social media content for immigration

Getting your content out there is more important than creating and having perfect content. We all want to do the best job we can, but how are you going to get better at posting content unless you start creating and posting it first? You can’t improve unless you are posting and seeing what happens. If you’re still worried about content perfection, put on your LinkedIn marketing hat and instead of focusing on perfection, err on the side of being consistent.

The LinkedIn algorithm also rewards consistent posting over a meticulous posting that only happens once a month. So it doesn’t matter great your post is if you aren’t posting enough, you probably won’t get the engagement that you want- even more reason to start posting consistently rather than perfecting your content. 

You’re a busy immigration professional – don’t spend too much time on social media at first

Posting on LinkedIn shouldn’t take hours. Creating content for LinkedIn also shouldn’t take hours. You shouldn’t have time to overthink your posts! Write them, edit them, post them and then move on. To start, your goal should be spending approximately 15 minutes in the morning to post and 15 minutes in the evening responding to comments, liking, and commenting on other peoples’ posts. This way you’re not stressing yourself out over LinkedIn and you are posting your content. 

Now you are ready to start posting without fear! If you’re looking for more ideas before you start posting, check out my post on creating unique and impactful social media content here.

How did you get over being too afraid to post on LinkedIn? Comment below and let us know!getting



Roman is an immigration lawyer, the founder of an immigration tech startup called LaborLess, a LinkedIn coach, writer and speaker.

I help immigration businesses around the world level up their brands, enhance their LinkedIn and YouTube presence and grow through original written content, LinkedIn coaching, YouTube coaching and other strategic consulting.

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