Got Writer’s Block? Here’s Your New LinkedIn Content Strategy

LinkedIn Content Strategy


Even if you have a killer LinkedIn content strategy, writing great content doesn’t always feel easy. You may be thinking “I’m an immigration professional, I’m not trying to be a writer or a social media manager!”

It’s not just immigration professionals, all content creators have this moment- writer’s block spares no one. While I completely understand these moments of frustration, I know that creating content for LinkedIn is hands down the best way to grow your brand as an immigration or global mobility professional.

LinkedIn is the largest social media geared towards professionals with 756 million users total and 310 active users. LinkedIn also found that 46% of social traffic coming to B2B sites was from LinkedIn. This makes LinkedIn the most effective platform online for global mobility and immigration professionals looking to build up their business’ profile and expand their professional networks.

Engaging, well written content doesn’t have to be complicated either. Here’s my go to LinkedIn content strategy when I’m feeling creatively stuck.

The Best LinkedIn Content Strategy When You Have Writer’s Block:

Your content doesn’t have to be a brand new idea to still be compelling. If you’re feeling stuck, my LinkedIn content strategy is to reuse either the answers you would give to questions you get in your everyday professional life and/or reuse the responses that you write on others LinkedIn posts.

Reuse the answers you give clients or colleagues to certain questions.

Think about the questions you are giving to your coworkers in meetings, in emails, phone calls etc. These everyday questions are a mine of great content. Even if you may think the answer is obvious, the truth is someone else out there probably has the same question, and your answer can prove valuable. In the best case scenario, your answer could prompt them to reach out and ask you to work with them directly because you “get them!” It may seem oblivious but remember after you write out your post to omit confidential or any other proprietary info before posting.

Reuse comments and responses you leave on other peoples’ posts.

I often get amazing, thought comments on my posts, many of which could easily be turned into their own LinkedIn posts. If you’re taking the time to comment on other peoples’ stuff, turn that effort into your own posts! Hopefully, I’ve already taught you the value in responding to other people’s posts so it should be easy enough to use them to create new content. If you have responses or comments that turned into a full conversation under the post that would make for even better content as you’ll be able to show your expertise and it’s already been proven that people are interested in what you have to say about this particular topic.

You’d be surprised what you’ll think of once you start reflecting on the questions you’ve answered in your work day or comments you’ve made.

And one last tip for you: Don’t be afraid to get niche!

Maybe you’ve answered a question about someone looking to open a new retail store in New York while on an E-2 visa recently or you work with athletes on O-1 visas. Don’t be afraid to write about those specific questions and cases. By creating content around a specific topic you’re far more likely to generate genuine engagement and make professional connections that pertain to your field than generic, vague content.



Roman is an immigration lawyer, the founder of an immigration tech startup called LaborLess, a LinkedIn coach, writer and speaker.

I help immigration businesses around the world level up their brands, enhance their LinkedIn and YouTube presence and grow through original written content, LinkedIn coaching, YouTube coaching and other strategic consulting.

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