Is It OK to Have a Sense of Humor on LinkedIn?

Can I have a sense of humor on LinkedIn?


Known as the best social media platform for business, it may seem silly to ask if it’s ok to have a sense of humor on LinkedIn but it’s serious. Even LinkedIn knows it’s a problem to be seen as the place where “humor goes to die” despite new additions like the ‘funny’ reaction emoji. While LinkedIn is known for highlighting career advancements, industry insights, and business connections, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a personality while you share the tricks of your trade.

I’m not trying to say that LinkedIn should be like Facebook or Instagram, there’s no need to start sharing photos of your family or whatever you ate for dinner the last time you went out with your friends. However, I believe that the strongest way to build business relationships is to be yourself and show a little bit of personality.

There’s a balance to everything in life, and this is one of those things. Being “silly“ can be a compelling branding and marketing tool if done smartly, especially for immigration professionals.

Having a Sense of Humor on LinkedIn Can Break the Ice

In a sea of corporate jargon, buzzwords, and serious, business-minded posts and profiles, a bit of silliness can be a refreshing change of pace. Law is seen as a pretty dry and humorless profession— think of the sheer amount of jokes about lawyers— and immigration law (and global mobility for that matter) is no different. Making an industry-related joke serves as an icebreaker by making you more approachable and memorable. A lighthearted touch in your headline or summary can pique interest and set you apart from the crowd.

Having a Sense of Humor on LinkedIn Shows Personality

Behind every professional persona is a person with a personality. Sharing a joke, funny anecdote, or quirky hobby humanizes your brand and showcases your uniqueness. It helps others see you as more than just a list of skills and accomplishments, which helps foster a sense of connection and reliability with your audience. A sense of humor on LinkedIn also shows off your creative skills. Whether it’s a witty one-liner or a light-hearted post, using humor demonstrates that you can think outside the box – a valuable trait in many professional settings.

The Key to Showcasing a Sense of Humor on LinkedIn is Balance and Authenticity

While injecting humor into your professional brand can make you stand out, it’s crucial to strike a balance in tone. You want to come across as a professional who can be uplifting and silly, not like a class clown always trying to land a joke regardless of the circumstances. You want to avoid going overboard with jokes, being inappropriate, making fun of specific people, or joking about sensitive topics within your field. Be sure to maintain a professional tone in your achievements and key information and reserve humor for select sections rather than bombarding people with jokes on every post. It’s all about navigating the professional landscape of immigration law with a smile.

Lastly, ensure that the silliness you incorporate into your content aligns with your genuine personality. People appreciate authenticity, and forced humor can come across as insincere and put people off. Think about what you joke about with your friends and colleagues in your day-to-day life and try writing about it even if it’s just a one-liner on your next LinkedIn post. By breaking the mold and infusing humor into your professional persona, you can create a lasting impression in the minds of your connections. try out

If you feel stuck on how to represent your authentic self on LinkedIn, check out my blog post on how to figure out what to write about that sounds like you.



Roman is an immigration lawyer, the founder of an immigration tech startup called LaborLess, a LinkedIn coach, writer and speaker.

I help immigration businesses around the world level up their brands, enhance their LinkedIn and YouTube presence and grow through original written content, LinkedIn coaching, YouTube coaching and other strategic consulting.

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