1 Important Way To Drive LinkedIn Engagement As An Immigration Professional That ISN’T Posting


I came across something on LinkedIn that has been driving me crazy so I had to write about it!

I recently found someone in the immigration industry who had more than 30,000 followers on LinkedIn, but when I looked at this person’s posts, there was virtually zero LinkedIn engagement! A majority of their posts had received zero engagement. And I mean ZERO – -zero likes, zero comments, and zero reactions.

The lack of engagement on this LinkedIn profile surprised me

I could tell that this person had clearly put work into their LinkedIn, too. They havda very professional and engaging profile, they posted relevant content almost daily, and on LinkedIn, you have to log in to your account in order to accept connections, so I know that they must spend at least SOME time regularly accepting connections on LinkedIn.

But then I went to their “Recent Activity” tab and guess what I saw?

They may have been posting almost daily, but I instantly knew why their LinkedIn engagement was so low… It’s because they weren’t engaging! I didn’t see one reaction, comment, or share at all in their recent activity.

While they are obviously posting content that is hitting the right people (thus the high follower count) I was really shocked to see that they weren’t engaging with anyone outside of their posts.

In other words, they weren’t liking or commenting on anyone else’s posts. They weren’t replying to the occasional comment they received on their post. nothing. The lack of engagement on their own posts now made sense to me.

Why driving LinkedIn engagement as an immigration professional is so important

Seeing this profile and their lack of LinkedIn engagement just reinforced that I’m doing what I am supposed to be doing on LinkedIn. That my approach to LinkedIn engagement as an immigration professional, and more importantly, that the work that I am doing with my clients is right.

It also shows that LinkedIn is much smarter and savvier than what we give it credit for. That means that the LinkedIn algorithm must recognize when profiles are engaging more with others, and rewards them in return with more visibility (and hopefully more engagement).

So my takeaway from all of this is that LinkedIn is just like real life: If you want to be successful, you need to be giving. If you never listen to other people, support them, share with them, and lift them up, you may be seen as selfish and you won’t get ahead in life. The same philosophy is true on LinkedIn. The people who won’t engage with others, won’t see any engagement on their own posts even if they have a lot of followers.

You need to revisit your LinkedIn strategy

When you first got started on LinkedIn, why did you create a profile? Were you excited about growing your business and community? I’m going to assume (and hope) that you thought ‘yes’ when you were reading these questions. If so, then treat LinkedIn just like it’s your community even if you are brand new! I promise you that it will pay off.

Do you want engagement? Do you want a real community? Do you want more clients? It’s all possible, trust me! You just have to be able to put your energy into giving back and posting creating content and assuming people will see and engage with it. If you give more to the LinkedIn community via likes, comments, shares, and support then you’ll have more LinkedIn engagement headed your way. Once you start engaging, the LinkedIn karma is sure to flow back your way.

If you’re still not sure how or where to start on LinkedIn, don’t worry about it! Check out my post that goes over three easy ways to boost engagement on your LinkedIn posts without putting in hours of effort.

Have you noticed a difference in LinkedIn engagement when you are actively engaging with other people’s posts? I would love to know! Shoot me a message or put your experience in the comments below!



Roman is an immigration lawyer, the founder of an immigration tech startup called LaborLess, a LinkedIn coach, writer and speaker.

I help immigration businesses around the world level up their brands, enhance their LinkedIn and YouTube presence and grow through original written content, LinkedIn coaching, YouTube coaching and other strategic consulting.

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